360 Moms

360 Moms

Card Value

General Details

Delivered Through :

email, SMS
Redeemable :Online

Card Details

The 360MomsRewards card is unique because it is dedicated to mothers, as it contains unlimited discounts and rewards from the finest brands in various sectors such as restaurants, educational and play places for children, clinics and medical consultations, games, fashion and beauty... everything a mother needs in one card . Discounts are available to cardholders throughout the year, and they will not need to wait for sales to shop online or in the stores themselves. Gifting occasion: The Mothers360 rewards card can be gifted to all mothers of all ages and on any occasion: Mother's Day, holidays, birthdays, wedding anniversaries or even friendships, Ramadan and other important occasions. It can be a special gift for the expectant mother to receive the new baby Card information: It can be sent via: email or text message

Terms & Condition

Usable on the following website: https://www.360moms.net/ar/rewards The service is only available in Jordan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia How to use: 1. Log in or create an account on the site: Mothers360 2. From the list, click on (Reward Program). 3. Click on the option (Get the card) 4. Enter the code in the space provided, then click on (Pay Now). 5. Download the 360Moms app on Apple or Android and log in to get and use offers and discounts (the app is the main way to use your Moms360 rewards card after signing up). terms of use: Code type: a discount of a specific value, used once. The code includes: all offers and discounts on the site. This card is available for use in the store for the selected country only and cannot be used in other stores. This card is non-refundable after it has been purchased or expired. Resal assumes no liability if the voucher is lost, stolen or used without permission. The code is activated directly upon purchase.