Massage World

Massage World

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One of the best ways to get rid of stress, physical pain, and an attempt to take a breath and put ourselves first, is a journey into the world of massage. Services details: Comprehensive massage: It is an intensive specialized massage that helps restore deep relaxation, as it combines gentle stretching movements and pressure therapy, using essential oils and a mixture of five types of massage (Swedish, Shiatsu, Thai, reflexology and perfume). - Moroccan bath with argan oil: It is a Moroccan bath with soap, in addition to applying the entire body with Moroccan argan oil and sitting in steam for a period of (10-15) minutes to give the skin of the body vitality, softness and activity that strengthens the immunity of the skin and pores. - The world of massage therapy for the skin: the latest modern technology to cleanse and moisturize the skin with a group of healthy and safe masks, as it helps to rejuvenate the skin and give a wonderful luster by removing blackheads and giving a smooth texture to the face. - Nail care: manicure and pedicure service to maintain healthy nails by trimming nails; Exfoliating the skin surrounding the nails, moisturizing and strengthening the area around the nails; Remove cracks, soften the heels of the feet, and lightly massage hands and feet with shea butter for better softness. Card information: It can be sent via: email or text message Usable at: Branches only Massage World website, Al Shifa Branch - Riyadh: Massage World website, Al-Rawdah branch - Riyadh: Massage World website:

Terms & Condition

How to use: 1) Contact the branch of the center that he wishes to come to to receive the service two hours in advance to make a reservation for the required service. Branch phone numbers: Rawda Branch - Riyadh: 0112537555 Al Shifa Branch - Riyadh: 0112149900 2) Show the code to the receptionist. terms of use: The service is for men only - Code type: Pre-defined service. - It is possible to increase the services specified in the code with paying the difference. - Resal guarantees the validity of this card for at least one month from the date of purchase. - This card is available for use in the store for the selected country only and cannot be used in other stores. - This card is non-refundable after its purchase or after its expiry. Resal assumes no responsibility if the voucher is lost, stolen or used without permission. The code is activated directly upon purchase.