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My community is concerned with the development of the Medina community through its fields of work in neighborhood centers and focuses its attention on the groups least able to afford development costs in order to transform them from the care path to the development path and achieve self-sufficiency for them. My community website link: stock: Endowment share Mabarat Al-Madina Endowment, which has the honor of being next to the Noble Sanctuary, your donation of a share in the endowment supports the sustainability of providing community services to transport orphans, widows and divorced women from developmental pastoral care, and educational and pedagogical care for children in neighborhood centers. The value of the share is 300 riyals. - Neighborhood Centers Share Neighborhood centers are considered an essential link for the residents of the neighborhood and one of the most prominent means in Medina to deepen social contact between the residents. It contributes to the development and development of society through exemplary programs and activities, through which the energies of the individual and society are activated. My community has provided, through its current centers, more than 365 programs and projects, through which more than 300,000 beneficiaries from various segments have benefited. Contribute to building a model neighborhood center in the city with the Arrow of Growth. The value of the share is 200 riyals Charity share Charity is the growth of money, contributed to the relief of the wife of a family in the city of the beloved, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and to help them reduce their financial burdens by supporting them with the share of giving. The value of the share is 100 riyals

Terms & Condition

Terms and Conditions: 1) Your donation to my community contributes to supporting the sustainability of providing community services in the city of the beloved, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, where my community takes care of more than 2,000 families, as well as orphans, widows and divorced women, and takes initiatives that transform them from pastoral to development, as well as my community is based on educational, developmental and educational care for children in neighborhood centers 2) My community guarantees that your donation will reach the mentioned services 3) A letter guaranteeing the validity of this card and the registration of the stock with my community 4) This card is not refundable after purchase.