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Card description: Closeby, an online store that provides a wide variety of home appliances at the best prices, and these devices include: Televisions and sound systems, kitchen appliances, air conditioners, home appliances, personal care appliances The card can be used on the following website:

Terms & Condition

Card terms: How to use : It is a discount code for the value of the order. The card number is used in the discount code field Code type: an amount deducted from the order value The code includes all products in the online store , Not including the offers You can only use one codes for each purchase This card is available for use in the online store only. This card is non-refundable after its purchase or after its expiration date. Resal assumes no responsibility if the voucher is lost, stolen or used without permission. The code is activated directly upon purchase. Coupon Minimum Order Values: For 100 SAR coupon: Minimum order value is 1000 SAR. For 50 SAR coupon: Minimum order value is 500 SAR.