About the Card
Give your loved ones a variety of relaxation and care packages from Your Time Touch Center.
Details of services:
- Manicure and Pedicure Session: Decorate your hands and feet by getting a manicure and pedicure session with the color of nail polish of your choice
- Hair treatment session: A hair treatment session with Oga protein and fillers for different hair lengths
- Relaxation and Beauty Package: A relaxation and beauty package from Lamsa Zamak Beauty Center that includes Sudanese delicates, paraffin for the feet and defining the shape of the eyebrows by dyeing and bleaching
- Hair Care and Renewal Package: Hair Care and Renewal Package from Touch of Your Time Beauty Salon that includes hair dye, hair trimming machine and hair oil bath
Card information:
It can be sent via: Email or text message
Usable in: branches
Usage sites:
Your Time Touch Center in Jeddah: https://goo.gl/maps/hWYkx6hMAuNVBzYx8