Onaizah Association for Development and human Services - Taheel

Onaizah Association for Development and human Services - Taheel

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General Details

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Card Details

Onaizah Association for Development and Human Services - Rehabilitation - a charitable association registered in the charitable societies number 160, concerned with the care, rehabilitation, education and empowerment of people with disabilities from birth to marriage.

Terms & Condition

Unaizah Association website link: http://www.onaizah.org.sa/page/get/aboutus After gifting, the association will contact you to choose the design of the card to be gifted - The recipient receives the donation value for persons with disabilities at the Onaiza Association for Humanitarian Services - Minus 10% administrative and operational fees Onaizah Association for Humanitarian Services guarantees that your card reaches the recipient - Resal guaranteeing the validity of this card with the Onaizah Association for Humanitarian Services - This card is not refundable after purchase