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Redeemable :Online

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Play for free anywhere.. anytime! PUBG MOBILE offers the most multiplayer game at a time for free on your mobile. Show your strengthen to compete. Show your intelligence through epic battles with100 players. You have options like payload mode, arcade mode, zombie mode and death race that you can play as 4 vs 4. Flexibility is the key to victory and the one who stays is the winner. When someone call, don't hesitate to shoot!

Terms & Condition

How to use: 1) From within the game, click on the player’s image and copy the player's ID number. 2) Go to the website and log in to the account, then click on the word recovery 3) Enter the player ID in the player ID verification field 4) Enter the card code in the box to redeem gifts and then OK Terms of use: - Code type: credit to be loaded into the wallet The code includes: all products A letter guaranteeing the validity of this card for at least one month from the date of purchase. - This card is available for use in the store for the selected country only and cannot be used in other stores. - This card is not refundable after purchase or after its expiry. Rasal assumes no responsibility when the voucher is lost, stolen, or used without permission. - The code is activated directly upon purchase.