Zumurrud Store for flowers

Zumurrud Store for flowers

Card Value

General Details

Delivered Through :

email, SMS
Redeemable : In store

Card Details

For lovers of roses as gifts, even if they are in a card that will be delivered to them of their choice when and to whom they want.. A Zumurud card to gift your loved ones with a bouquet of roses   Gifting occasion: For all occasions Card information: It can be sent via: email or text message

Terms & Condition

Only usable for: Zumurud Store branch in Makkah Al-Mukarramah How to use: Display the code for the cashier at Zumurud store terms of use: Code type: a discount of a specific value, used once. The code includes: all products. This card is available for use in the store for the selected country only and cannot be used in other stores. · This card is non-refundable after purchasing it or after it expires. Resal assumes no liability if the voucher is lost, stolen or used without permission. The code is activated directly upon purchase.